
Thousands of Missourians face food insecurity. Not having enough food to eat may seem like a singular issue, but for families, it is multifaceted and impacts their lives in a number of ways. In 2019, The Food Bank surveyed those we serve to see the results providing access to food can have. We learned our services were vital to people in enabling them to better their situation.

We listened to the people who use our partner agencies, asking 1,588 participants what The Food Bank’s services mean to them. We were overwhelmed with how many said our food helped them eat more healthily (94%), direct money to other bills (89%), and gave them something to eat when they otherwise would have had none (76%).

Obtaining these numbers has shed light on the true influence of food banks. Being able to see the impact of our service helps The Food Bank better understand the needs of the people we serve.

This information also underscores how important contributions are from donors and volunteers in helping the community. Every gift or hour given has an impact in improving a neighbor’s life. The Food Bank’s work to end hunger is only possible through the support which runs deep locally.