
Gary and Wanda Winter always gave to others without asking for recognition. The two knew there was more to life than work. They volunteered and donated to several organizations throughout their lives, helping their community. After they passed away, they gave back one last time through The Food Bank’s Heirloom Society.

The couple always cared about others. Gary worked at the VA Hospital for 28 years, and Wanda worked at Boone Hospital Center. The two traveled often, never fought, and always supported other people in their lives.

“Life isn’t just about work; it’s also about helping to give to others,” said Jeremy Winter, one of Gary and Wanda’s two sons. It is a lesson the two passed down to their children.

After Wanda experienced her first fight with cancer in 2000, she decided she could not let life pass her by. She took up horse riding lessons and volunteered at a nearby therapeutic riding center. Gary volunteered at the hospital regularly after he retired since he liked seeing the patients. They also volunteered together by getting involved with the Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen in Columbia.

On June 11, 2009, Wanda passed away after a long fight with cancer. Jeremy and his brother Shane realized how many lives their parents touched that day. The funeral director had to shut the door after three hours at the visitation because people kept coming.

“It was person after person and people that we had never met before. They’re saying, ‘oh, Gary and Wanda, they helped us out when we were having hard times with this’ or ‘oh, they helped us move three states away,’” said Jeremy. “They never bragged, and they never said, ‘Look at our names on these plaques’ or won any kind of award. They just did it. Just out of pure generosity.”

Jeremy said it was tough for his dad after Wanda passed away. Before she died, Gary always wanted a big screen TV. Wanda discouraged it, Jeremy said. She thought he would sit in front of it all day until he got old. After Wanda passed, Gary bought his TV, but eventually, he realized she was right. A friend from the VA Hospital reached out to him, and they started volunteering together. Gary realized that there was still life to live.

Gary Winter passed away late last winter. Through their estate, the Winters continued to plant their legacy. They donated $75,000 to The Food Bank for Central & Northeast Missouri. They became part of our Heirloom Society, which honors those who have generously named The Food Bank in an estate plan such as a will, trust or insurance policy.

The Food Bank was not aware of the Winters’ intentions until after Gary and Wanda passed, meaning we could never thank them directly. If you are interested in making a gift to The Food Bank through your estate, our staff is happy to talk to you about your planned giving options. To begin the process, call a member of our development team at (573) 474-1020.