
As a new way to educate and inspire people to try healthy foods, The Food Bank launched a food demonstration program in August based at Central Pantry — Pantry 2 Plate. With each meal showcased, we introduce neighbors to a new nutritional recipe made with ingredients available at the pantry.

Central Pantry serves a wide variety of foods to neighbors, like lentils, plant-based meats and kohlrabi. But, not every visitor knows how to make these tasty, healthy foods into a meal. That’s why Pantry 2 Plate was created, to show neighbors what is possible with the food they receive at Central Pantry. During one of the first demonstrations, The Food Bank’s new registered dietitian made tastings of beef-a-roni using plant-based meat from Beyond Meat. People are still adjusting to the idea of plant-based meat, but after the demonstration, many were excited to take some home.  

Another week, the program demonstrated red lentil soup. Lentils are often looked over at the pantry but provide a great source of B vitamins, magnesium, zinc and potassium. More than fifty people enjoyed the soup that day, and one neighbor said they had never had lentils before but found them delicious.

 “I love creating and testing the recipes for our neighbors,” said Alma Hopkins, Registered Dietitian for The Food Bank. “I hope to inspire others to cook and prepare new foods.”

The Food Bank takes a Foods to Encourage approach when distributing food to partner agencies,  emphasizing produce, protein and other nutritional items. Food insecurity means lacking access to enough nutrition for an active lifestyle. As part of our mission to end hunger, we must make sure people have the food they need for a healthy diet.

The Food Bank plans to hold more demonstrations highlighting produce grown and donated by the Columbia Center for Urban Agriculture. CCUA is a key part of Central Pantry’s ability to share healthy, fresh produce. The Pantry 2 Plate Program will show neighbors how they can use these delicious fruits and vegetables grown locally.

The Food Bank is looking forward to expanding demonstrations with the new Central Pantry facility planned to open as early as 2023. The current Central Pantry does not have a kitchen, limiting the ability to educate neighbors on recipes. Plans for the new Central Pantry include a demonstration and instructional kitchen, significantly increasing our ability to grow the Pantry 2 Plate Program.